
Showing posts from August, 2017

Preludes & Fugues Opus 2: Fugue in F-sharp minor

A fugue in its traditional style. I have refrained to compose a fugue like this because I couldn't wait to explore what fugues can be. This is a come back to its root. Evenly paced, heavy emphasis on dominant-tonic relationship, baroque ornamentation. This combination made traditional fugue so satisfying because they reach to the mind at its most fundamental level.

Preludes & Fugues Opus 2: Prelude in F-sharp minor

A prelude in a hybrid form. It is a binary form (AB) with extended A section that repeats and cycles through dominant keys. The ending is a short recapitulation of the A section that unconventionally ends on a dominant seventh chord. In contrast to the previous fugue, this prelude took a surge of inspiration and two cups of coffee so it was completed in just a few hours. Its theme is a continuation of the previous pair, that is an introspection of life, now with unanswered mystery.

Preludes & Fugues Opus 2: Fugue in F-sharp major

A triple fugue. Each of the three subjects has only one episode of its own. All three subjects ultimately fuse at the ending of the third episode. This fugue took 23 days to complete. It is very difficult, very intense, and very personal.