Preludes & Fugues Opus 2: Fugue in C major
Despite hectic schedule, I managed to finish this 'innovative' fugue in just a few days. This is the first fugue in the Preludes & Fugues set, and it just happens that this first fugue is an unusual fugue for several reasons. Firstly, its main subject is not 'singable' nor easily remembered. It is haphazardly disjunctive and simply weird. I intentionally derived the subject from the main motive of its associative Prelude in C major. Secondly, since the subject is not 'pretty', I have to compensate by introducing some classical style elements such as contrasting block structure, development, and other general stylistic elements. This use of classical style elements is antagonistic because fugue is mainly a product of baroque period, one that precedes classical period. The result is this strange fugue which I hope is still pleasant and worthy to listen and play.